Unlock Your Child’s Potential with

ABA Therapy in Virginia Beach

Welcome to AutismCOE, the leading provider of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy in Virginia Beach. We are dedicated to improving the lives of children with Autism through personalized, evidence-based interventions.

Best Autism Therapy In Virginia Beach, VA

Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach Areas

 AutismCOE, is the premier provider of Autism Therapy services in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Our team of highly skilled therapists is dedicated to delivering effective, customized treatments for individuals living with autism spectrum disorder. We recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of each person we serve, adapting our therapeutic approaches to meet their specific needs. At AutismCOE, our mission goes beyond simply providing therapy; we aspire to make a significant and positive impact on the lives of those in Virginia Beach and beyond who are navigating life with autism spectrum disorder. You are not alone on this journey; we are here to support you every step of the way.

Benefits That Last A Child’s Lifetime

ABA Therapy services

Improve Focus & Social Skills

The emphasis is on positive social interactions and enjoyable learning.
ABA Therapy

Better Speech & Communication

Children with autism may need extra guidance when learning to communicate.
ABA Therapy

Reduce Challenging Behavior

Our ABA team will address behavioral concerns that impact the individual’s daily life.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy focused on understanding and improving behavior. It’s commonly used to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and those dealing with developmental or behavioral challenges. ABA therapy involves observing a person’s behavior, identifying what factors are affecting it, and then using specific methods and strategies to promote positive changes in behavior and skill.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
in Home ABA Therapy For Autism

In-Home ABA Therapy
in Virginia Beach

Discover the powerful impact of in-home ABA therapy for autism. Our expert therapists are here to help children reach important developmental goals and enhance vital skills right in the comfort of their own homes. We focus on personalized care, creating a nurturing environment that promotes growth, independence, improved communication, social interaction, and mastery of daily life skills. Unleash the boundless potential of our comprehensive in-home ABA therapy services, now available in Virginia Beach, VA.

How We Help The Kids

Our clinical team carefully designs a positive behavior support plan to teach critical replacement behaviors while reducing challenging behaviors. Our care is compassionate, with your child and your family in mind.

Our clinical team carefully designs a positive behavior support plan to teach critical replacement behaviors while reducing challenging behaviors. Our care is compassionate, with your child and your family in mind.

Self Care Skills

Social Skills

Fine Motor Skills

School Readiness

Emotional Development

Language & Communication

Play & Leisure Skills

Parent Education

Cognitive Skills

Early Intervention Program

AutismCOE offers a comprehensive Early Intervention Program for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders up to the age of 1.5 years to 6 years. Our curriculum is designed with the child in mind, including ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy techniques with play-based activities to promote learning and growth. We ensure a holistic approach that extends from our center into the child’s everyday life by actively integrating families in the therapeutic process.

autism specialist

Our School Readiness Program

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

The School Readiness Program at AutismCOE is specifically designed for children who experience social difficulties, anxiety in social situations, or have a diagnosis of mild to moderate autism spectrum disorder and are preparing to start Prep. This program incorporates Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy principles to help prepare your child for the transition to formal schooling.

Kids Love Attending This Program as we make Learning Fun!

Rachael Cain BCBA

From Our Senior Clinical Director

We are dedicated to ensuring your child’s progress and helping them reach their full potential. Our team works tirelessly to create and implement individualized treatment plans that are customized to meet your child’s specific needs. We understand the challenges of navigating the world of autism, and that’s why we provide unwavering support to families throughout the entire process. Experience the difference at AutismCOE, where we are committed to your child’s success and well-being.

– Rachael Cain

3 Steps to Starting ABA Therapy

Our staff will support you each step of the way

ABA Therapy Enrollment
ABA Therapy Assessment
ABA Therapy Treatment

Our Promise to You

Our goal is to celebrate each child’s unique gifts while helping them develop tools that serve them later on in life. Our clinicians create individualized treatment plans developed for your child. Our approach includes lifelong skills for parents, caregivers, and support for the entire family. We will be with you every step of the way, guiding and supporting you, to ensure your kids learn life skills along with all goals that are set for them.

ABA therapy for social skills

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Got a Question? We’ve the Answer! you’ll find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about ABA Therapy Services.
What is ABA Therapy?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a scientifically validated approach used to increase or decrease specific behaviors. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), helping improve communication, social skills, and self-care abilities.

Where can I find ABA Therapy services in Virginia Beach?

There are several organizations that offer ABA therapy in Virginia Beach, including Coastal Behavior, Acorn Health, Anchor ABA, Butterfly Effects, Autism Consulting and Therapy, Eliza Hope, and Attain ABA, among others.

Is ABA Therapy covered by insurance?

Yes, most health insurance plans typically cover ABA therapy. However, an official diagnosis of autism and a doctor’s referral are usually required for both assessment and ongoing treatment.

What Age Group is Suitable for ABA Therapy?

ABA therapy can be effective for all ages, but it’s especially beneficial when started early. Some providers accept children as young as 24 months old.

Does ABA Therapy Involve Parents?

Yes, parental involvement is often a crucial part of ABA therapy. Providers typically offer training sessions to help parents understand and implement ABA strategies at home, thereby effectively supporting their child’s growth and development.

Can ABA Therapy Help with Social Skills?

Absolutely. ABA therapy can significantly improve a child’s social interactions. Some providers even conduct social skills groups that provide a nurturing environment for children with autism to practice crucial social skills.

Is ABA Therapy Harmful?
No, ABA therapy is not harmful when implemented correctly by trained professionals using evidence-based techniques and individualized treatment plans.
How can I contact ABA Therapy providers in Virginia Beach?

You can also call them directly. For instance, you can reach out to AutismCOE at (800) 557-6330 for any insurance-related questions or other inquiries.

Reviews from Parents

ABA Therapy

Autism Center of Excellence has been a life-changer for our family. Our son was diagnosed with autism at 6 years old and we were overwhelmed and scared. Autism COE helped us understand his needs and strengths and provided him with individualized and evidence-based ABA therapy. He has learned so many skills and gained so much confidence. We can’t thank them enough for their support and guidance.

Parent of K*, 6 years old.

ABA Therapy

"My son may still have a ways to go by society's standards, but he's definitely made leaps and bounds as far as his behavior and that was with the help of the wonderful BTs and BCBAs at Autism Center of Excellence. They are very knowledgeable of different ways to help redirect "bad" behavior to help get tasks done. They are a friendly bunch and my son looks forward to them coming every day!"

Mom to A*, 7 years old.

ABA Therapy

"The progress my child has made since starting ABA therapy at the Autism Center for Excellence is beyond what words can express. I am incredibly grateful and cannot thank them enough. Their evidence-based approach and individualized treatment plans have helped my child gain new skills, improve communication, and increase overall confidence. I highly recommend this center to any parent seeking support for their child with autism."

Dad to A*, 7 years old.

ABA Therapy

The staff at this ABA therapy clinic are wonderful! They are very attentive to our child's needs and have created a welcoming and supportive environment.

Mom to N*, 3 years old.

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Get in Touch with Us

Contact us if you have questions about any of our services or for insurance verification.