Asperger's Syndrome, once viewed as a separate condition, is now considered one type of autism within the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Rett Syndrome, a rare neurodevelopmental disorder, mostly impacts girls and involves a loss of acquired skills between 6 months and 2 years of age
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD), also called Heller's Syndrome, is a rare type of autism marked by a substantial loss of acquired skills, usually between ages 2 and 10.
Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) was a term used to describe individuals who showed some but not all criteria for other developmental disorders.
The term “Kanner’s Syndrome” is less commonly used today, the symptoms associated with Classic Autistic Disorder align with the broader understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
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